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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hunger Games Movie

Haha, sorry for not posting for a while. I've been on vacation!

Hunger Games Movie...who has seen it? What did you guys think?

Hunger Games Movie: Have you seen it?


  1. What was the fourth choice for? Let me ask u this: who HASN'T at least heard about the hunger games?

  2. Freaks who have never left their house.

  3. Well, if they are freaks who never left their house, someone has to get out for food, work, etc. so they must have heard at least one person be like "HUNGER GAMES!!"

  4. Fine! Well, ask like, a 90 year old, duh they don't know. Plus, since they don't leave their house, they get like, shipments. So THERE.
